The Swooping Death Blog

An Introduction...

Hi there!

My name is Xavier and welcome to The Swooping Death Blog. The SD Blog is a way for me to share my experiences as a queer and neurodivergent person living on TERF Island (a.k.a the UK).

Please note that these are my personal experiences and do not represent every LGBTQ+ person and/or the neurodivergent community in the UK.

About The Title of This Blog

The title of this blog is a reference to crows which are one of my favourite animals due to their intelligence and strong bonds they form. I'm currently feeding a crow family of 4 (a breeding pair and 2 fledglings).

What Else Is On Here?

I also include a few mini-blogs on this webpage to incorporate some of my hobbies as a distraction from any negativity.

Enjoy the blog!

Kindest regards,



Useful Books

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